Symbol CREST (Crest Micro Life Insurance Ltd.)
Fiscal Year 079-080
Announcement Detail Crest Micro Life Insurance Limited has proclaimed its 1st AGM going to be held on Chaitra 05, 2080
Announcement Date 2024/02/26 AD (2080/11/14 BS)
Tags AGM   
Agenda Financial Highlights of FY2079/80, Appointment of Auditors for the FY2080/81, Election of Board of Directors, Appointment of Independent Director, Issuance of IPO Shares to the General Public, Amendment on Articles/Memorandum, Utilization of Received Capital after Issuance of IPO Shares and Miscellaneous.
Bookclose Date
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2024/03/18 AD (2080/12/05 BS)
Venue Shuva Hotel Pvt. Ltd; Chaina Pool, Birendranagar, Surkhet
Time 11:00 AM