The price of petrol has increased by Rs 1 per litre, and diesel and kerosene by Rs 2 per litre.
The petrol price has been fixed at Rs 160.50, Rs 162 and Rs 163 per liter respectively in the first, second and third category areas, while diesel and kerosene have been fixed at Rs 150.5, Rs 152 and Rs 153 per liter respectively.
The state-owned corporation has listed Charali, Biratnagar, Janakpur, Amlekhgunj, Bhalwari, Nepalgunj, Dhangadhi and Birgunj in the first category, Surkhet and Dang in the second category and Kathmandu, Pokhara and Dipayal depots in the third category.
Meanwhile, NOC slashed the price of domestic aviation fuel by Rs 2 to Rs 126 per liter. Additionally, the international aviation fuel price (for Kathmandu) has been reduced by US$15 per kilolitre.