As per Laxmi Sunrise Capital, issue manager of the company, the allotment will take place in its premises at New Baneshwor, Kathmandu at 10:30 am.
The company issued 475,449.15 units shares worth Rs 47.5 million at a face value of Rs 100 per unit from December 20-24.
In the issue, 1,7853 applicants applied for 24,885,840 units of shares. Given that the issue was oversubscribed, the allotment took place through lottery as per Securities Issuance Guidelines.
Based on the guideline, only 47,545 applicants will be provided 10 units of shares. The remaining 1711,608 applicants will remain empty-handed.
The microfinance company issued the FPO in order to maintain ordinary share ownership of 30 percent from existing 19.68 percent as per Banks and Financial Institution Act, 2073.
Currently, the company's paid-up capital is Rs 322.3 million, which will reach Rs 369.9 million after the issue.