The company earned a net profit of Rs 233 million in the review period compared to Rs 182.3 million of the corresponding period of the previous FY. The net profit increased by 27.78 percent during the period.
Although the company logged decrease in operating profit, recovery of Rs 155.8 million in bad debt can be attributed to the increase in net profit.
In the review period, its net interest income increased by 8.03 percent while total operating income declined by 4.31 percent. Moreover, its operating profit decreased by 26.07 percent.
During the period, its borrowing increased by 33.30 percent, deposit by 22.51 and loan extension by 26.27 percent. The company has Rs 600 million in paid-up capital and reserve fund of Rs 791.4 million.
In the review period, it logged EPS of Rs 38.83, P/E ratio of 22.66 times and net worth per share of Rs 231.91.