Deposit collection of BFIs Increasing

Nov 26, 2023 01:18 PM Merolagani

Deposit collection of banks and financial institutions has slowly sped up in recent days.

The financial system which had Rs 5.915 trillion by the end of the month of the first quarter recorded Rs 5.877 trillion on October 28.

Since then, the deposit collection has started rising in the system. On November 19, BFIs logged deposits of Rs 5.921 trillion which reached Rs 5.935 on November 21.

As per NRB report, the deposits increased by Rs 6 billion on a single day.

On November 21, commercial banks only logged deposit collection of Rs 5.248 trillion. Before the festive season of Dashain, they had deposits of Rs 5.223 trillion.


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Commercial Banks Cut Interest Rates, Again

Jul 15, 2024 09:22 AM

Commercial banks have published new interest rates for the upcoming month of Shrawan. As per the published notices, the average interest rates of the banks have declined for the upcoming month as well