Agriculture Developmetnt Bank Calls Out AGM

Feb 20, 2024 08:41 AM Merolagani

Agriculture Development Bank (ADBL) has called out 17th AGM on March 13 in its head office at Kendriya Talim Pratisthan Bode, Bhaktapur at 11 am. 

The meeting will approve the annual report, profit and loss account, cash flow statements of the last FY, change in equity, and approve subsidiary companies of the bank.

in this regard, the company will close its book on February 29, thus, the shareholders registered in its book till February 28 will be eligible to attend the AGM. 



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Commercial Banks Cut Interest Rates, Again

Jul 15, 2024 09:22 AM

Commercial banks have published new interest rates for the upcoming month of Shrawan. As per the published notices, the average interest rates of the banks have declined for the upcoming month as well