Symbol HURJA (Himalaya Urja Bikas Company Limited)
Fiscal Year 081-082
Announcement Detail Himalaya Urja Bikas Company Limited has published a notice regarding a bid opening date of its 14,46,359.00 units of ordinary right share to the interested whoever person, company, firm, institutions from today, Ashwin 18, 2081
Announcement Date 2024/10/04 AD (2081/06/18 BS)
Tags Notice    Bid Opening Date   
Bookclose Date
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2024/10/04 AD (2081/06/18 BS)
Venue Nabil Investment Banking Limited, 3rd Floor, Central Plaza, Narayanchaur, Naxal, Kathmandu
Time 10:00 AM